Harga Pine (PINE)
Harga live Pine (PINE) hari ini adalah 0.00194344 USD. Aset ini memiliki kapitalisasi pasar sebesar $ 42.57K USD saat ini. Harga PINE ke USD diperbarui secara aktual.
Kinerja Pasar Pine Utama:
- Volume trading 24 jam adalah $ 32.04 USD
- Perubahan harga Pine dalam sehari adalah -0.11%
- Aset ini memiliki suplai yang beredar sebanyak 21.90M USD
Dapatkan kabar terkini tentang harga aktual PINE ke USD di MEXC. Pantau terus data dan analisis pasar terkini. Sangat penting untuk membuat keputusan trading yang cerdas di pasar mata uang kripto yang bergerak cepat. MEXC adalah platform andalan Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi harga PINE yang akurat.
Sepanjang hari ini, perubahan harga Pine ke USD adalah $ 0.
Dalam 30 hari terakhir, perubahan harga Pine ke USD adalah $ -0.0005360402.
Dalam 60 hari terakhir, perubahan harga Pine ke USD adalah $ -0.0006360132.
Dalam 90 hari terakhir, perubahan harga Pine ke USD adalah $ -0.001523489541769953.
Periode | Perubahan (USD) | Perubahan (%) |
Hari ini | $ 0 | -0.11% |
30 Days | $ -0.0005360402 | -27.58% |
60 Hari | $ -0.0006360132 | -32.72% |
90 Hari | $ -0.001523489541769953 | -43.94% |
Temukan analisis harga Pine terkini: Low & High 24 Jam, ATH, dan perubahan harian:
Pelajari statistik pasar secara mendalam: kapitalisasi pasar, volume 24 jam, dan suplai:
The native cryptographically-secured fungible protocol token of Pine (ticker symbol $PINE) is a transferable representation of attributed governance and utility functions specified in the protocol/code of Pine, and which is designed to be used solely as an interoperable utility token thereon. $PINE functions as the native governance token, access token, and economic incentives which will be distributed to encourage users to exert efforts towards contribution and participation in the ecosystem on Pine, thereby creating a mutually beneficial system where every participant is fairly compensated for its efforts. $PINE is an integral and indispensable part of Pine, because without $PINE, there would be no incentive for users to expend resources to participate in activities or provide services for the benefit of the entire ecosystem on Pine. Given that additional $PINE will be awarded to a user based only on its actual usage, activity and efforts made on Pine and/or proportionate to the frequency and volume of transactions, users of Pine and/or holders of $PINE which did not actively participate will not receive any $PINE incentives. $PINE Holders will have control over the PineDAO which governs both the Pine protocol and the Pine Platform and manages their future development. $PINE would allow holders to propose and vote on on-chain governance proposals to determine future features and/or parameters of Pine, with voting weight calculated in proportion to the tokens staked (the right to vote is restricted solely to voting on features of Pine; it does not entitle $PINE holders to vote on the operation and management of the Company, its affiliates, or their assets or the disposition of such assets to token holders, or select the board of directors of these entities, or determine the development direction of these entities, nor does $PINE constitute any equity interest in any of these entities or any collective investment scheme; the arrangement is not intended to be any form of joint venture or partnership). For example, users may propose usage of the PineDAO Treasury (which holds protocol funds) for platform/protocol maintenance, enhancements, grants, strategic partnership budgets, governance initiatives and other incentive programs. After governance launch there will be no individual or corporate entity or other active promoter, sponsor, or group or affiliated party that maintains sole control over Pine. Pine itself is simply a blockchain protocol that, by design, does not offer any resources for utilisation As such, in order for the protocol to perform its core function as a NFT liquidity protocol, users would need to be incentivised to deposit assets in the borrowing liquidity pools to provide liquidity for loans. As their reward, these liquidity providers which help to promote adoption of Pine by staking or including assets to liquidity pools in exchange for LP tokens would be rewarded with $PINE, according to each user's relative contribution after various adjustment and correction parameters. By distributing $PINE in this manner, it ensures that the governance token will be distributed primarily to key network contributors and allow them to have a say in protocol parameters. Likewise, users which deposit their NFTs and take out loans may also participate in the user incentive programs. $PINE functions as a loyalty membership point, so users will be classified into different loyalty tiers based on the amount of $PINE held, user activity, and/or volume of transactions. $PINE Holders will get exclusive access to tier-based special perks and access rights, some examples are exclusive first rights to buy certain liquidated NFT assets, interest rate or service fee discount for borrowing, or achieving seniority in the platform which will allow the lender to charge more favourable interest rates on loans.
MEXC adalah bursa mata uang kripto terkemuka yang dipercaya oleh lebih dari 10 juta pengguna di seluruh dunia. MEXC dikenal sebagai bursa yang menawarkan pilihan token terbanyak, listing token tercepat, dan biaya trading terendah di pasar. Bergabunglah dengan MEXC sekarang juga untuk menikmati likuiditas terbaik dan biaya paling kompetitif di pasar!
Harga mata uang kripto tunduk pada risiko pasar dan volatilitas harga yang tinggi. Pastikan Anda berinvestasi pada proyek dan produk yang Anda kenal dan Anda pahami risikonya. Anda harus mempertimbangkan dengan cermat pengalaman investasi, situasi keuangan, tujuan investasi, dan toleransi risiko Anda serta berkonsultasi dengan penasihat keuangan independen sebelum melakukan investasi apa pun. Materi ini tidak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai nasihat keuangan. Kinerja masa lalu bukanlah indikator yang dapat diandalkan untuk kinerja masa depan. Nilai investasi Anda dapat naik maupun turun, dan Anda mungkin tidak memperoleh kembali jumlah yang Anda investasikan. Anda bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya atas keputusan investasi Anda. MEXC tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang mungkin Anda alami. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat Ketentuan Penggunaan dan Peringatan Risiko kami. Harap perhatikan juga bahwa data yang berkaitan dengan mata uang kripto yang disebutkan di atas yang disajikan di sini (seperti harga aktualnya saat ini) didasarkan pada sumber pihak ketiga. Ini disajikan kepada Anda "sebagaimana adanya" dan hanya sebagai informasi, tanpa pernyataan atau jaminan apa pun. Tautan yang diberikan ke situs pihak ketiga juga tidak berada di bawah kendali MEXC. MEXC tidak bertanggung jawab atas keandalan dan keakuratan situs pihak ketiga tersebut beserta kontennya.
1 PINE ke VND | ₫49.83174504 |
1 PINE ke AUD | A$0.0030706352 |
1 PINE ke GBP | £0.0014964488 |
1 PINE ke EUR | €0.0017685304 |
1 PINE ke USD | $0.00194344 |
1 PINE ke MYR | RM0.0086288736 |
1 PINE ke TRY | ₺0.0712659448 |
1 PINE ke JPY | ¥0.2894170848 |
1 PINE ke RUB | ₽0.16616412 |
1 PINE ke INR | ₹0.168787764 |
1 PINE ke IDR | Rp31.8596670336 |
1 PINE ke KRW | ₩2.8124880648 |
1 PINE ke PHP | ₱0.11126194 |
1 PINE ke EGP | £E.0.0984741048 |
1 PINE ke BRL | R$0.0111553456 |
1 PINE ke CAD | C$0.0027791192 |
1 PINE ke BDT | ৳0.2364389104 |
1 PINE ke NGN | ₦2.999116608 |
1 PINE ke UAH | ₴0.0807110632 |
1 PINE ke VES | Bs0.12438016 |
1 PINE ke PKR | Rs0.54513492 |
1 PINE ke KZT | ₸0.97512102 |
1 PINE ke THB | ฿0.065396756 |
1 PINE ke TWD | NT$0.0640946512 |
1 PINE ke AED | د.إ0.0071324248 |
1 PINE ke CHF | Fr0.0017102272 |
1 PINE ke HKD | HK$0.0151005288 |
1 PINE ke MAD | .د.م0.0188319336 |
1 PINE ke MXN | $0.0387133248 |